Hi! My name is
Banks is lilac and tan boy. with the biggest ears on a french bulldog puppy you will ever see, you can tell he still have a lot of growing to do, his cute back and butt wrinkles are so adorable on him. More than anything Banks loves to wrestle with his siblings. He has the cutest pounce when he plays with his toys. Banks is sure to bring you and your family great joy!. When he isn't playing, his favorite place is a comfortable lap. So if you're ready for this all-around loveable pup, choose BANKS!.
all pups are AKC registered, and vet checked, shots and vaccinations. Negative fecal, for parasites and worms, health test on request per paid clients. my goal is to keep producing cute and healthy french bulldogs. upon pick up you must sign and return sale agreement. PLEASE MAKE A appointment to meet BANKS in person.