Hi! My name is
Clark Kent
Meet Clark Kent, the cutest loyal French bulldog pup you will ever meet. he is charming and cute.
He loves to pounce, play, and tease his brothers and sisters litter mates. when its time to relax and snuggle Clark Kent knows exactly what that is all about. He gives great puppy kisses, too! Kent is full of life and has an amazing personality that everyone will love. He's an all-around perfect puppy! He will arrive happy, healthy, and pre-spoiled from nose to paw. Let him be the little Clark Kent, to your Lois Lane family. share your couch with Kent, and you will be sure to get a lifetime of adventures and frenchie kisses.
All pups are AKC registered, and vet checked, shots and vaccinations. Negative fecal, for parasites and worms, health test on request per paid clients. my goal is to keep producing cute and healthy french bulldogs. upon pick up you must sign and return sale agreement. PLEASE MAKE A appointment to meet Clark Kent in person.